Preparation of Carbon Paste Electrode

Carbon Paste Oil (CPO) is prepared by mixing uniform-sized graphite powder and paraffin oil.
1) To fabricate simple enzyme electrodes
2) To fabricate chemically modified electrodes

Instruction manual for preparing Carbon Paste Electrode
Packing CPO into a carbon paste electrode well


Carbon Paste Oil_1 Used CPO in the electrode well is removed from the well using a small rod such as toothpick
Carbon Paste Oil_2 A new CPO is filled to the electrode well with a small spatula
Carbon Paste Oil_3 CPO is completely tamped into the electrode well filling air spaces, and slightly heaped up above the surface of the well
Carbon Paste Oil_4 The excess CPO above the well is removed on a clean and at paper as shown in the left figure
Carbon Paste Oil_5 The surface of the electrode is moved to a clean area of the paper, and is polished using circular movement on the paper


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