Working electrodes for RRDE-3

RRDE Electrode

Products listed in below are Working electrodes for Rotating ring disk electrode system, RRDE-3. They consist mainly of organic solvent-resistant resin, PEEK, and are able to easily be polished with PK-3 Electrode polishing kit.

Catalog No. Classification Length (mm) OD (mm) Ring size
ID/OD (mm)
Disk diameter (mm)
011181 RRDE Pt Ring/Pt Disk Electrode 25 12 5.0/7.0 4.0
011204 RRDE Pt Ring/GC Disk Electrode 25 12 5.0/7.0 4.0
011205 RRDE Au Ring/GC Disk Electrode 25 12 5.0/7.0 4.0
011206 RRDE Pt Ring/Au Disk Electrode 25 12 5.0/7.0 4.0
000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000
011178 RDE GCE Glassy carbon Disk Electrode 25 12 -- 3.0
011179 RDE PTE Platinum Disk Electrode 25 12 -- 3.0
011180 RDE AUE Gold Disk Electrode 25 12 -- 3.0
012001 RDE ALE Aluminum Disk Electrode 25 12 -- 3.0
012002 RDE AGE Silver Eisk Electrode 25 12 -- 3.0
012003 RDE CUE Copper Disk Electrode 25 12 -- 3.0
012004 RDE NIE Nickel Disk Electrode 25 12 -- 3.0
012005 RDE TAE Tantalum Disk Electrode 25 12 -- 3.0
012006 RRDE TIE Titanium Disk Electrode 25 12 -- 3.0
012007 RDE WE Tungsten Disk Electrode 25 12 -- 3.0
012008 RDE CPE Carbon paste Disk Electrode 25 12 -- 3.0

RRDE-3 Rotating Ring/Disk Electrode System

This compact computerized rotating electrode system is desinged for laboratory use. Silver-containing carbon brush allows long life and low electrical noise. Both Disk type electrodes and Ring disk electrodes can be used as the working electrode of this system. Rotating speed error is reduced to 1-2% (at the Rotating rate: 100-8,000rpm). The main motor shaft unit, glass cell and each electrode are easily replaceable.


RRDE-3 Rotating Ring/Disk Electrode System



  • Functions as both RDE (Rotating Disk Electrode) and RRDE (Rotating Ring/Ring Disk Electrode) systems
  • Both remote and manual operations are available
  • Rotating rate range: 100-9,000 rpm
  • Compact, easy operation
  • Chemically-tolerant
  • Various working electrodes are available, replacing procedure is easy enough
RRDE-3 Rotating Ring Disk Electrode system

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