<<<Home                            CHI200(B) Picoamp Booster and Faraday Cage          


With the CHI200(B) Picoamp Booster and Faraday Cage, current down to a few picoamperes can be readily measured. The CHI200 is compatible with the Model 600/A, 700/A series of instruments, while the CHI200B is compatible with Model 600B/C and 700B/C series. When used with 700/A/B/C series bipotentiostat, the Picoamp Booster will affect the primary channel only.
                The internal sensitivity of the 600C series is the same as the Picoamp Booster (1*10-12 A/V). However, the bias current of the 600B/C series input can be as high as 50 pA. The Picoamp Booster has lower bias current, and it also brings the preamplifier close to the electrode hence resulting in lower noise. The Faraday Cage also makes it possible to make relatively fast measurements of small currents.
               When the Picoamp Booster is connected and the sensitivity scale is at or below 1*10-8 A/V, the Picoamp Booster will be enabled. Otherwise, it will be disabled. The instruments automatically sense whether a Picoamp Booster is connected. The enable/disable switching is also automatic.
                The Picoamp Booster will be disabled for techniques using automatic sensitivity switching, such as Tafel plots, bulk electrolysis (BE), and ac impedance (IMP). It is not necessary to disconnect the Picoamp Booster to run those techniques. However, for galvanostatic techniques, such as chronopotentiometry (CP) and potentiometric stripping analysis (PSA), the Picoamp Booster must be disconnected.
                 Besides weak signal measurements, the Faraday cage is useful for eliminating electrical interference, especially line frequency noise. If the electrochemical cell is picking up electrical noise from the environment, the additional use of Faraday cage is strongly recommended.


Dimension:  9.6”(W) ´ 8.8”(D) ´ 11.8”(H)          Weight:  13 Lb.


Cyclic voltammogram at an ultramicroelectrode

Differential pulse voltammogram at an ultramicroelectrode.

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