Working Electrodes for Electrochemical Measurements (CV, LSV, DPV etc.)
Our electrodes used for electrochemical measurements such as CV,
LSV , DPV and so on are compact and easy enough to be polished by
Remove the cap covering the electrode, and check its surface prior
to the first use. Carbon paste electrode is available in the form of
carbon paste which user packs into a shallow well in the electrode
holder supplied by us. Other electrodes are polished to immediate
use. These electrodes are encapsulated in PEEK* -
solid, well inert against solvent. Table of material inertness to
solvents is shown below. However, long-term immersion in THF or
using under high temperature which exceeds the temperature
coefficient between plastic and electrode material possibly be a
cause of crack. O-ring enables a position of an electrode to be
adjusted in the voltammetry cell.

Working Electrode - More Information
- Potential Window [Pt, Hg, Carbon] in Aqueous Solution
- What is CV (Cyclic Voltammetry) Measurement?
- Working electrode selection
- Micro electrodes
- Variety, Features and Shapes of Working electrodes
- Full Listing of Working Electrodes and Accessories